Software / Hardware
- Engadget gives us a few of HTC’s Q4 lineup. Here’s a link to their European press release (PDF)
- Engagdet Mobile has a review roundup for the Treo 750v
- the::unwired has a review of the HTC S620 (aka Excalibur) in its O2 XDA Cosmo version.
- The Cingular 3125 (aka HTC Star Trek) looks to be shipping with an extended battery
- The .NET CF team gives us tips on how to detect that our app is running in an emulator
- MelSam announces ScreenLib – a free UI development library for native Windows Mobile development
- The Windows Mobile team announces Virtual Earth Mobile 1.67
In Other News . . .
- Smartphone Thoughts has a piece on Life at MED
- Alex Feinman brings us some humor with this post on website ad/content relevance
- MikeCal from the Windows Mobile team talks about the life of a feature in WM. (and I remember “I’m just a Bill!”)